Born Again Cream Phyto Progesterone Wild Yam 2 Ounce

Past definition, the term bioidentical means life-identical—that is, hormones identical to those found in life (in this case, man). Literally and then, bioi­dentical hormone replacement includes all human-identical hormones, non just compounded hormone products Bioidentical progesterone  is not adverse to your torso, can be bought without a physicians prescription,  is the nearly effective hormone balancing supplement you lot tin can use.

Hot Flashes, Sweats, Mood Swings, Insomnia

For women entering menopause, natural progesterone foam with phytoestrogens helps the decreasing supplies of progesterone which cause hormonal imbalances, producing hot flashes, mood swings, urinary incontinence, pilus loss, vaginal dryness, poor concentration, uterine fibroids and an overall decline in wellness. Past combining phytoestrogens and progesterone information technology offers the benefits of phytoestrogens which volition assist replenish your estrogen as it declines and the progesterone will restore the residual every bit both estrogen and progesterone decline during this time.

"I experience every bit though I have been given my life back, I have been using your natural progesterone cream for about five months now and can say it has changed my life..." Christy - Dallas, TX

Fibroids, Pmdd, Endometriosis, PCOS & Hormonal Imbalance

Pre-Menopausal Women benefit from natural progesterone foam which tin can assistance balance the symptoms often associated with uterine fibroids, endometriosis and bring relief from irritability, bloating, h2o retention, weight gain and pelvic pain and excess bleeding.

"I started using your progesterone cream for severe pms and  fibroids two months ago, what a departure, i feel like i have been given myself dorsum. It was and then frustrating to experience so out of control with my emotions and I can already experience that my fibroids are shrinking and my excess bleeding has stopped."

Jill, San Diego, Ca.

Bioidentical Progesterone Foam Is Not Just For Menopause

For many women, natural progesterone foam provides meaning relief, with no reported adverse findings from usage past women for over 20 years. It is known that transdermal awarding allows for easier and greater absorbtion. Oral medication or supplements the health and country of the colon and liver can compromise its effectiveness. Natural progesterone cream provides a efficient mode to help your body through the simple skin application helping  supply what is deficient in your trunk.

Studies indicate that

Natural progesterone cream Shrinks fibroids, curbs hot flashes and hormonal imbalances associated with menopause and the absence or decline in progesterone. In 1999 trials at St. Luke'south Hospital in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, bioidentical progesterone reduced or eliminated hot flashes in 83 percent of the healthy postmenopausal women tested. Other clinical trials have shown significant reduction in uterine fibroids, weight loss, a reversal of premenstrual dysphoric disorder and endometriosis to be not merely significantly improved only reversed with the utilize of bioidentical progesterone.

Bioidentical Progesterone

Over the years, numerous scientific papers take used the word "proges­terone" equally a catchall term that included synthetic progesterone analogs as well every bit progesterone. This misrepresentation of progesterone created defoliation for both researchers and clinicians, every bit it suggested constructed progesterone analogs similar medroxyprogesterone acetate had the same effect on progesterone receptors as progesterone. There are clinical scenarios that strongly suggest otherwise. For case, medroxyprogesterone acetate is considered a teratogen and is contraindicated in the first 4 months of pregnancy. In contrast, progesterone vaginal supposito­ries are often used in the first trimester to sustain pregnancy. Clearly, the two molecules have very different effects in childbearing women and could reasonably exist expected to have other differences. Unfortunately, they were considered sufficiently equivalent for medroxyprogesterone acetate to exist widely recommended equally hormone replacement in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. Somewhen, problems with medroxyprogesterone acetate were exposed in these populations by the all-encompassing 1991 trial and observational study initiated past the WHI/ (Women's Wellness Institute), partic­ularly in the areas of cardiovascular wellness and hormone-related cancers. The agile participation in the trial was prematurely ended afterwards it was determined that the synthetic hormone analogs were causing women to present with college levels. The observational side of women that received constructed hormones connected through 2010. Link for more information

What is the difference between bio identical progesterone and progestin's which are prescribed past a chemist's ?

Bioidentical Progesterone has the identical chemic structure to the substance made in a adult female's body. This is to exist distinguished from synthetic "progesterone-like" chemicals called "progestin'due south", these are totally constructed and not natural to a woman's body. These progestin's bind to the trunk'due south progesterone receptors and function only partially like progesterone. Considering they are chemically different than natural progesterone/bioidentical they have side furnishings and deportment that are dissimilar, very different than progesterone. Progestin's were originally developed because they were capable of beingness absorbed into the blood when ingested in pill form, whereas bioidentical progesterone itself was non orally absorbed.

In contrast to some of the progestin'southward such equally medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera®, Cycrin®) natural progesterone does non suppress good cholesterol (HDL), has no negative consequence on blood force per unit area or mood, and shows no tendency to cause increased male person-hormone-like furnishings such as facial hair growth.

Bioidentical Progesterone & Menopause

Progesterone is naturally secreted past the ovary in the second 2 weeks of the menstrual cycle in reproductive age ovulating women. In women budgeted mid life or entering pre menopause the ovaries begin to reduce their production and the adrenals located in a higher place the kidneys return to a more agile country every bit they one time had during adolescence.

Menopause, as well referred to every bit the "Change of Life" is the betoken at which a woman stops ovulating and menstruation ceases. This indicates the end of fertility. Once a woman stops ovulating, the hormones progesterone and estrogen are greatly no longer produced by her ovaries. Estrogen is commonly thought of as a sexual practice hormone strictly tied to reproduction. Still, information technology as well acts on many different organs in the trunk. Cells in the vagina, breasts, bladder, peel, arteries, basic, heart, brain, and liver all incorporate estrogen receptors. They require this hormone to stimulate these receptors for normal cell function. Progesterone is needed to keep the skin polish and moist, our hormones operating properly, and the arteries unclogged. Progesterone is also necessary for proper os formation.

The menopausal menstruum is different for each individual adult female. Some women showtime earlier and some after just the average historic period at menopause is approximately fifty years of age. This transition usually lasts up to five years. When a woman has a hysterectomy but keeps at least one of her ovaries, she will cease menstruating after surgery, but she will nonetheless become through menopause.

Many adult female feel brusk-term or astute symptoms such equally hot flashes, dark sweats, fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, headaches, dizziness, low, bladder bug, poor libido, vaginal dryness and itching, burning and discomfort during sexual intercourse, chest tenderness, dryness and crumbling of the pare, shortness of breath, insomnia, and heart. These symptoms are all due to estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency.

Bioidentical Progesterone & Endometriosis

As estrogen initiates endometrial cell proliferation and the formation of blood vessel accumulation in the endometrium, the aim of treatment is to cake this monthly estrogen stimulus to the aberrant endometrial islets. Study findings showed that progesterone stops further proliferation of endometrial cells and is considered the most favorable handling.

Nosotros advise women to utilise bioidentical progesterone cream from solar day half dozen of the cycle to twenty-four hours 26 each month, using one ounce of the cream per week for three weeks, stopping just before their expected periods. Over fourth dimension (four to six months), the monthly pains gradually subside as monthly bleeding in these islets becomes less, and healing of the inflammatory sites occurs. This handling does require patience but is worth the wait considering the alternative. The monthly discomfort may take time to disappear entirely. Since the alternatives are not all that successful and laden with undesirable consequences and side effects, this technique is surely worth giving a trial.

Bioidentical Progesterone and Premenstrual (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a disorder that affects many women during the i to two weeks before flow begins. Symptoms tin can include any or all of the following: acne, abdominal bloating, breast swelling and tenderness, backache, anxiety, cramps, low, fatigue, fainting spells, nutrient cravings, headaches, articulation pain, nervousness, insomnia, skin eruptions, h2o retentivity, and personality changes such as desperate mood swings, outbursts of anger, violence, and thoughts of suicide.

One of the causes of PMS is hormonal imbalance – excessive levels of estrogen and inadequate levels of progesterone. Hormonal fluctuations atomic number 82 to fluid retention, which affects circulation, reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the uterus, ovaries, and brain.

Bioidentical Progesterone and Low

When our hormones are out of balance, our whole torso is affected. Frequently, a woman on hormone replacement therapy is estrogen dominant and progesterone deficient. When our progesterone levels are in remainder, backlog estrogen is managed. As stated below, the furnishings of estrogen in comparison to those of progesterone differ when dealing with depression. Most women discover a leveling off of their emotions when they get their progesterone levels up to where they should be specially, if they have been a victim of estrogen dominance. Many women actually report a feeling of well-being or euphoria. Thus, information technology has been dubbed "the happy hormone."

Bioidentical Progesterone and Hot Flashes

Hot flashes usually begin when periods are still regular or are just starting to fluctuate. Hot flashes are ofttimes one of the first indications that menopause is approaching. Hot flashes are most uncomfortable in the starting time stages of perimenopause, gradually decreasing in frequency and intensity as the body adapts to the hormonal changes.

Duration, frequency, and intensity of hot flashes differ. Episodes may terminal for 2 to 3 minutes or they can as well linger for up to an 60 minutes. They tin can occur several times a day or nighttime, or just once or twice a week.

Every bit harmless as the hot flash is, nevertheless the trunk's temperature command arrangement vacillates between very hot and cool, other body systems are strained every bit well. When flashes occur also frequently they may be accompanied by unexpected and fifty-fifty frightening side effects: loss of slumber, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, a racing pulse, heart palpitations, headaches, itchy pare, and numbness in the hands and arms. These symptoms can take you unaware and cause concern equally thoughts of more serious causes race through your mind.

Hot flashes are non a sign of estrogen deficiency, per se, but are due to heightened hypothalamic activity (vasomotor lability) secondary to low levels of estrogen and progesterone which, if raised, would produce a negative feedback effect to the pituitary and hypothalamus. Estrogen receptors in these areas get more sensitive, and hot flashes usually subside, once progesterone levels are raised. Measuring FSH and LH levels before and later adequate progesterone supplementation, will validate this mechanism.

Bioidentical Progesterone and Migraines

A migraine is a vascular headache that involves the excessive dilation or contraction of the brain'south blood vessels. Common and classic are the 2 types of migraines. Slowly, the common migraine produces a throbbing hurting that may concluding for two to lxx-2 hours. Oft centered at the temple or behind i ear, the pain is severe. Alternatively information technology can begin at the back of the head and spreads to ane entire side of the head (the word "migraine" comes from the Greek hemikrania, which means "half a skull"). Nausea, airsickness, blurred vision, and tingling and numbness in the limbs that tin can last upward to eighteen hours unremarkably back-trail a migraine.

1 factor behind higher incidence of migraines in women may be fluctuations in the level of the hormone estrogen. Around the time of period, when there is hormonal imbalance, women typically get migraines. Any number of things can trigger a migraine in a susceptible private including allergies, stress, constipation, too much or too little slumber, liver malfunction, emotional changes, dominicus glare, hormonal changes, flashing lights, lack of exercise, and changes in barometric pressure. Dr. John Lee states that low blood sugar is oft associated with migraines and studies take shown that blood sugar levels are low during a migraine assail and the lower the claret sugar level, the more severe the headache. Dental problems may also be a factor.

Transdermal application of topical progesterone immediately at the onset of a headache, has successfully aborted significant numbers of migraines. A suggested amount is upwardly to 1 teaspoon of progesterone foam. This unproblematic and frequently effective treatment is worth trying with nearly female person migraine sufferers.

Migraine headaches that occur with regularity in women only at premenstrual times are most likely due to estrogen dominance. Estrogen causes dilation of blood vessels, and thus contributes to the cause(southward) of migraines. Dr. John Lee states that ane of the many virtues of natural progesterone is that it helps restore normal vascular tone, counteracting the blood vessel dilation that causes the headache. He states that again, progesterone is safe and treats the cause in a normal, physiologic way. The more dangerous pharmaceutical drugs can be reserved for the rare example that does not respond completely to progesterone.

Bioidentical Progesterone and Osteoporosis

Many medical regime tell female patients who are post-menopausal that osteoporosis is inevitable. A physician in Mill Valley, California, John R Lee, has proven that this often repeated statement is simply untrue. The result of his ongoing clinical study with 68 women is noteworthy. All have experienced new bone density ranging from 5 to 40 percent for women who have used natural progesterone foam from six to 48 months. His results also indicated this therapy is successful even several decades afterwards menopause. One of his patients, who is 82 years of age and has been using natural progesterone cream for four years, has a greater than forty percent new bone density as proven dualphoton absorptiometry Dr. Lee has proven that osteoporosis is non only preventable, but is also reversible in most cases.

Bioidentical Progesterone and Estrogen Potency

The trunk makes estrogens because it needs estrogens. Estrogens are responsible for the sexual development and puberty in girls. Besides for the body fat content, strength of bones and heart in women. Estrogens in residual are a good thing. Estrogen potency is not. Progesterone opposes estrogens creating the proper hormonal balance. This balance is very of import because when progesterone is likewise low, estrogens go unopposed or dominate. Unopposed estrogens are the only known cause of endometrial cancer. All bear witness has shown that Estriol is the safe estrogen to use, may exist protective against breast cancer and has been the selection in Europe for decades over the synthetic "conjugated estrogen" (from meaning mare's urine i.eastward. Premarin®, Prempro®, Premphase®, Prempac®) that is known to contribute to breast cancer.

Progesterone-The Hormone-Its historical uses

Progesterone is naturally secreted by the ovary in the second 2 weeks of the menstrual cycle in reproductive age ovulating women. Progesterone or progesterone-like substances called progestogens or progestin's are also ingested by women in nascence control pills, menopausal hormone replacement therapy, or only sometimes to induce a menstrual period or regulate aberrant bleeding problems if menses are skipping or bleeding is irregular or prolonged. Progesterone has been used besides as therapy for PMS syndrome and for women with infertility or frequent pregnancy loss.

Progesterone and its vital role in a adult female'due south trunk

Progesterone is a steroid hormone made by the corpus luteum of the ovary at ovulation, and in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. Progesterone is manufactured in the body from the steroid hormone pregnenolone, and is a precursor to most of the other steroid hormones, including cortisol, androstenedione, the estrogens and testosterone.

In a normally cycling female person, the corpus luteum produces 20 to 30 mg of progesterone daily during the luteal phase of the menstrual bike.

What are the physiological effects of progesterone?

  • Maintains secretory endometrium
  • Protects confronting breast fibro cysts
  • Helps use fatty for free energy
  • Natural diuretic
  • Natural anti-depressant - helps with mood swings
  • Facilitates thyroid hormone activeness
  • Normalizes blood clotting
  • Restores libido
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels
  • Normalizes zinc & copper levels
  • Restores proper cell oxygen levels
  • Prevents endometrial cancer
  • Helps preclude chest cancer
  • Stimulates osteoblast os building
  • Necessary for survival of embryo
  • Precursor of corticosterone product

Frequently Asked Questions on Natural Progesterone Foam

How does bioidentical progesterone aid with PMS?

Many of the symptoms of PMS are consistent with estrogen dominance due to relative progesterone deficiency, which can be corrected by progesterone supplementation.

How does bioidentical  progesterone assist peri-menopausal symptoms?

In the x to fifteen years before menopause, many women regularly have anovulatory cycles in which they make enough estrogen to create menstruation, but they don't brand any progesterone, thus setting the stage for estrogen dominance. Using progesterone foam during anovulatory months tin can help prevent the symptoms of PMS.

We now know that PMS can occur despite normal progesterone levels when stress is present. Stress increases cortisol product; cortisol blockades (or competes for) progesterone receptors. Additional progesterone is required to overcome this occludent, and stress direction is of import.

How does bioidentical  progesterone help post-menopausal symptoms?

Essentially, no progesterone is fabricated past the ovaries subsequently menopause. Progesterone has many important roles in maintaining expert health. Estrogen is even so existence produced past conversion of androstenedione in body fat. This is oft sufficient when progesterone is added.

How long does it take to re-balance the body to eliminate unwanted vaginal dryness when using bioidentical  progesterone?

For vaginal dryness and mucosal atrophy to return to normal weather 3 to four (3-4) months of natural progesterone use. If you are using a phyto-estrogen relief is obtained within 2 weeks.

Will bioidentical progesterone eliminate unwanted facial hair?

When progesterone is deficient, an culling DHEA pathway is called upon to take up the slack. This leads to increased androgen production, which is the cause of the unwanted facial pilus. Upon replacement of natural progesterone, facial hair will in time disappear or decrease.

Is progesterone therapy really effective in helping endometriosis, ovarian cysts, osteoporosis, depression, and even cancer?

At that place is much bear witness that women suffer from reduced levels of progesterone. Keeping progesterone levels to optimum levels can help fight depression and anxiety, increment sexual libido, prevent bone loss (osteoporosis), fight crumbling skin, wrinkles and brown spots, help oxygenation of cells, alleviate sleeplessness, control acne, reduce premenstrual discomforts, protect confronting breast fibroids, reduce hair thinning, reduce hot flashes and risk of cancer.

Will bioidentical progesterone cream assist my emotions?

Nearly women find a leveling off of their emotions when they go their progesterone levels up to where they should be, especially if they take been a victim of estrogen dominance. Some women actually written report a feeling of well-being or euphoria. Thus, it has been dubbed "the happy hormone".

Use of Progesterone Cream

When to start your bioidentical progesterone cream

  • Menstruating Women: Apply once or twice a solar day as needed, starting on the 12th solar day afterwards the first day of menstrual menstruation thru the 28th 24-hour interval.
  • Menopausal or Mail-Menopausal Women: Use progesterone foam twice a day for a maximum of 25 consecutive days. Resume later a five-day break. Later you have received significant relief you can and should see if your torso tin do equally well with ane application a twenty-four hour period.

When should I look to run across results

We have found that women normally discover changes within days. Topical commitment when it is micronized and wraped in a liposome allows your body to commencement correcting the imbalance nigh immediately. Some women who have had months and years of discomfort may accept a few months to receive all the benefits. If yous don't feel the benefits, you shouldn't give up. Make sure you take a practiced supplier and ask them why you don't feel much better or try another brand that has a good reputation by checking information technology out on "Alexa", where women rate their satisfaction.

How much you should employ

Ever look for a progesterone cream that gives you 20 mg and start out using this once a day. I know this is hard to determine with a product in a jar and then try to obtain a foam that you have some idea how much you lot're getting. 20 milligrams is what is recommended when it is a USP Progesterone if you accept more this for and extended period of fourth dimension make sure you lot are having testing to ostend you're not taking too much. A reputable company that sells progesterone cream will also offering testing. Generally no money is made off the testing by the company, rather the lab that it is sent to.

Where to rub your progesterone

Nosotros recommend that you rotate the areas you utilize progesterone cream, to avoid saturating whatsoever one area. It is best captivated where the skin is relatively thin and well supplied with capillary claret flow, such as the upper chest, breasts and inner thighs or inner arms. If you're facial peel has been rapidly aging and yous are willing to try a period of time to see what results you tin obtain revitalizing your appearance women have long reported that their peel has improved in both advent and compactness. Simply use this as a facial cream every other twenty-four hour period alternating with other body areas.

The best time to apply information technology

Apply first thing in the morning do not put on skin that already has deodorant or other skin creams. Some women who are showing many signs of deficiency choose to use it twice a 24-hour interval until their symptoms reduce and they feel more than balanced and so begin utilise once a day. Remember that ideal progesterone will have an like shooting fish in a barrel style to summate the amount you're actually using. Premeasured containers or dispensing is always the best choice otherwise your really guessing and every time you open that jar and dip what always it is in your contaminating the remaining product lessening your changes of consequent results

When to apply cream if your periods are irregular

Whether your problem is menstrual cramping, irregular periods, PMS, or other symptoms of estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency, the bones idea is to supplement progesterone during the fourth dimension your trunk would commonly produce progesterone, which is between solar day 12 and 26 counting from the onset of bleeding. Notwithstanding, low dosage of progesterone (below 10 mg of progesterone or 1/viii tsp. of the cream per solar day) used during the calendar week preceding ovulation is beneficial to the body. Information technology can reduce the adventure of ovarian cancer, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis.

When to take a intermission

Menstruating women should have a break from in one case their menstrual period starts until day 12. Menopausal women should utilize it daily for 21 days and have a 7 day suspension and resume.

When to use less  progesterone

Once your symptoms are less yous may reduce the corporeality of natural progesterone you use. Some women find that they may really can stop using it every bit it may balance their hormones.

How to know if you should be using more progesterone

If you are using the natural progesterone foam once daily and you are still experiencing symptoms yous may add together an evening dose.

What to do when yous start applying  progesterone cream and feel awful

There are women who have reported that after starting to use natural progesterone, symptoms increased over the kickoff couple of weeks but then went away. In the beginning, progesterone may stimulate estrogen receptor sites temporally. A phytoestrogen cream or progesterone cream with phytoestogens is helpful during this time.

Whether your problem is menstrual cramping, irregular periods, PMS, or other symptoms of estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency, the basic idea is to supplement progesterone during the time your body would unremarkably produce progesterone, which is between day 12 and 26 counting from the onset of bleeding. However, low dosage of progesterone (beneath ten mg of progesterone or i/8 tsp. of the cream per mean solar day) used during the week preceding ovulation is benign to the trunk. It can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis. Menstruating women should take a break from once their menstrual menses starts until day 12. Menopausal women should use it daily for 21 days and take a 7 mean solar day break and resume. In one case your symptoms are less y'all may reduce the corporeality of natural progesterone you lot utilise. Some women find that they may actually can finish using it as it may residuum their hormones. If yous are using the natural progesterone cream in one case daily and you are yet experiencing symptoms you lot may add an evening dose. At that place are women who have reported that afterward starting to use natural progesterone, symptoms increased over the first couple of weeks but and so went away. In the start, progesterone may stimulate estrogen receptor sites temporally. A phytoestrogen cream or progesterone foam with phytoestogens is helpful during this time.

Buying bioidenticalProgesterone Cream

How to know if you're using a reliable, loftier quality cream

When you have been experiencing deficient progesterone symptoms for more than 1 year you lot are going to need at least 1 month to ascertain the positive changes you are feeling attributed to the progesterone cream used. Because of the numerous positive changes having sufficient progesterone in your body volition produce y'all would need a compendium to categorize all the helpful benefits and therefore know that the progesterone cream y'all are using is a quality cream.

Where do yous buy bioidentical progesterone?

It is important to take a trusted source for progesterone cream that is certified to contain what it says and so look for it to say USP. Look for a company that provides information on how to use information technology and will answer questions that you might have. Although it is non the most important factor, look at the product and see if it looks like something made by a reputable company that has a airtight container and is not a jar that you stick your fingers into. If you lot can take the time then research who makes the product. There are very few labs in the U.s.a. ready upward to produce progesterone foam that are certified labs and have to abide by FDA standards. Cheapest is not always the best, don't be so concerned most toll that you lot miss the bigger picture; reliable results from a reputable company.

How to approach your md for a prescription

Natural progesterone cream does not crave a prescription. Pharmaceutical companies tin but patent drugs that are man made. Naturally occurring substances cannot be patented. This is a reality that has caused not just women just all creatures to fall pray to pharmaceutical companies

Boosted Questions on Natural Progesterone Foam

The difference betwixt a wild yam cream and a bioidentical progesterone cream

A component of yam (diosgenin) was, at one time, thought to be converted in the body to progesterone only that has been proven to be unsubstantiated. In fact, while information technology has sure wellness benefits, there are no published studies that would permit one to conclude that Mexican Wild Yam will increase progesterone levels in humans or animals. Only supplemental natural progesterone has been demonstrated to increase serum and saliva progesterone levels in women, a fact that is verified by ample clinical and published scientific research.

Why your bioidentical progesterone foam may not be working for y'all

The nigh obvious answer to this is that information technology is poor quality. If you having been using your progesterone cream as recommended for more than than xxx days and you have no improvement in your symptoms this would be highly unusual.

What drugs are non uniform with bioidentical progesterone supplementation (or contraindicated)

There are no reports of any significant side effects or health bug associated with natural progesterone. However, the Physician'south Desk Reference has a long list of side effects and contraindications for what is commonly referred to as progesterone, but which are actually synthetics.

How bioidentical progesterone interacts with anti-depressant drugs or thyroid medication

Because natural progesterone nigh frequently has a normalizing consequence on a sluggish thyroid, the employ of thyroid medication may over-stimulate the thyroid gland. Consult your health care professional person if yous are taking prescription thyroid medication. There have been no side effects associated with progesterone foam and anti-depressant use, however, proceed in mind progesterone cream tin help with depressive symptoms that are often associated with estrogen say-so and hormonal balance and once these problems have been addressed you may return to your "old self".

Why is bioidentical progesterone superior to synthetic progestin'south?

Progestin's do non convey the full spectrum of progesterone's benefits and they take numerous potential deleterious (harmful) side-furnishings not plant when using natural progesterone. The natural hormones are more quickly metabolized and excreted than the synthetic versions. Progesterone has no known side effects.

What is the deviation betwixt constructed progestin'south and bioidentical Progesterone?

Pharmaceutical progestin's do not announced in the biosynthesis pathway. The fact is they are not plant in any living forms. Furthermore, existence strange to all living things, they are patentable and thereby potentially more assisting. The exercise of manufacturing progesterone correctly called progestin in the constructed class is of world wide concern. Equus caballus farms exist to manufacture the highly full-bodied pregnant horse mare urine used in the pathway to manufacturing this pharmaceutical batter. Natural Progesterone is from a plant extraction and is not patentable. Progesterone is extracted from either yam or soy so altered minimally to yield the same progesterone that your body makes.

Why exercise conventional doctors believe that women practise not need progesterone if they practise not take a uterus?

There are 3 inter-related components to the conventional doctors' error in assertive that the only purpose for using progesterone in HRT is to protect against endometrial cancer and, thus, is not needed in a woman without her uterus. These are:

  • The doctor is unaware of the multiple beneficial roles of progesterone
  • The doctor is unaware of the multiple dangers of unopposed estrogen
  • The md is thinking of the problems with progestin's, non progesterone.

Can women using nascency command pills benefit from using bioidentical Progesterone Cream?


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