How to Make a Used Car Sale Receipt

A vehicle private sales receipt is given to a buyer as proof of payment for the purchase of a car from a private seller. The receipt may also be used to acknowledge the payment of a deposit towards the purchase price of a vehicle. In most cases, vehicles will be sold used for a lesser price than its original value.

If the seller has increased the value of the vehicle in some way and stands to profit from the sale, they should use the standard Car Sales Receipt and include the requisite sales tax in their price as this would count as a capital gain.

In most states, the buyer will need to present their bill of sale, title, and receipt at the Department of Motor Vehicles when they register the vehicle in their name.

Vehicle Bill of Sale – A legal agreement between a buyer and a seller to transfer ownership of a vehicle for an agreed price.

How to Write

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1 – Download This Private Sales Receipt To Document A Payment For A Vehicle

Each button labeled by file type near the image will access the previewed receipt template. Determine the program you wish to use then download a compatible version of this receipt to your machine.

2 – Furnish The Calendar Date Of Sale With The Seller's And Buyer's Identity

Open your private vehicle receipt then input the calendar month, day, and year when the discussed payment was successfully received on the empty line attached to the "Date Of Sale" label on the left. The Seller's name must now be recorded on the first blank line on the right-hand side. Notice, this line is designated with the label "Seller Name," then lead into three more blank lines. These three lines ("Mailing Address," "City, State, ZIP Code," and "Phone Number") will support the Seller's identity by displaying two appropriate means of communication maintained by this entity.The left side of this page will require additional information before we continue to the body of this receipt. Use the area beginning with the "Buyer Name" line to document the legal name of the Vehicle Buyer. Follow this identity with the mailing address and the current telephone number where the Buyer can be reached on the blank lines labeled "Mailing Address" through "Phone Number."

3 – Produce A Description Of The Vehicle And The Submitted Payment

It should be understood that properly documenting the vehicle concerned with this payment is crucial to the effectiveness of this receipt. The section titled "Car (Vehicle) Information" will answer this need nicely by organizing such information in a logical and easy to read display. Use the blank spaces in the first column to document the vehicle identification number ("VIN"), the vehicle's "Make," its Year," and the "Color" of the vehicle. Note that if the vehicle is more than one color or a pattern, this must be reported in this column. The second column will require the vehicle's "Registration #," "Model," "Mileage," and any "Add-Ons" (i.e. T.V., Warmed Seats, etc.).A basic definition to the payment this receipt accounts for can be provided by one of the two sentences that follow the vehicle details you supplied. You will need to mark the checkbox corresponding to the statement that can best be applied to the situation. Be prepared to disclose some supplemental information in whichever statement you place in effect.

If the payment that was submitted is part of a larger sum (that the Buyer will pay then), mark the first checkbox. The amount that was physically paid should be written out on the first blank line in this sentence. It should also be recorded numerically on the second empty line.

If the payment is the remainder (or the total required for the Buyer to own the vehicle, then mark the second checkbox. The first line in this statement needs the amount that was received written out while the second available space will need this value reported numerically. After describing the results of this payment and the amount that was paid, this receipt must also solidify how the payment was made. This can be done by checking one of the appropriate boxes after the bold words "Payments Made By." Mark the box attached to the word "Cash," "Check," or "Other" to properly report the method of payment. Keep in mind that if a check was used, the "Check Number…" should be recorded in the space available. Note that if this payment was not made by cash or check, then you must mark the "Other" box and describe the payment yourself on the line supplied.The last requirement of this receipt is that both the Buyer and the Seller must sign their names in the spaces provided. The space on the left has been supplied so the Buyer may provide a signature in his or her area.The Seller will also have a reserved area of signature. He or she should sign the "Seller Signature" line then issue the invoice appropriately. It is strongly recommended that you make sure both signature entities have received their own signed copy of the completed receipt.

How to Make a Used Car Sale Receipt


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