What Does Pshe Stand for in Education

What Does PSHE Stand For?

by Marc Nutt, 29 January, 2021

If you've Googled 'What does PSHE stand for?' then hopefully this article will shed some light on the subject. AtJigsaw PSHE, we've made it our mission to put together a series of age-appropriate programmes designed to promote emotional literacy, physical and mental well-being, and spiritual development among children and young adults. Our programmes are endorsed by the NCFE and recognised by Ofsted. To find out more, keep reading or call us on01202 377 193.

Learn More About our PSHE Education Lessons and Resources

What does PSHE stand for? It stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and is a school curriculum intended to fulfil requirements set out by the Department for Education (DfE). Recognised by Ofsted, this mandatory  unique, spiral, progressive  and effective scheme of work is intended to provide children with fundamental knowledge, skills, and connections. It's designed to create productive, responsible, and social members of society by equipping children with the necessary fortitude to handle whatever life might bring.

The DfE has stated that "all schools should make a plan for PSHE, moving on good practice" and that PSHE forms "an important part of all pupils' education ." Statutory PSHE has been shown to improve a child's learning capacity by reinforcing positive behaviour and encouraging attitudes towards health and mental well-being. Our age-appropriate programmes are delivered as a whole-school approach in which each age group works towards the same goal . PSHE helps children navigate their world and develop positive relationships with themselves and others.

Jigsaw PSHE Lesson in Primary School

What Does PSHE Stand for in Terms of a n Individual's Development?

In terms of a child's education, PSHE stands for a positive life philosophy that's encouraged through various teaching and learning activities. Areas such as emotional literacy, mindfulness, relationships and health, social skills, and spiritual development are covered. And children are provided  with  a safe environment in which to explore these themes that often touch on sensitive subjects. Schools are equipped with the PSHE education lessons and resources they'll need to help children advance their emotional awareness, concentration, and focus.

All our programmes are age-appropriate, starting with Nursery PSHE/ Health and Well-Being for ages 3-4. The next programme focuses on Primary PSHE and is targeted at ages 4-11/12. Our final programme is aimed at Secondary PSHE and focuses on ages 11/12-16. While each programme has lessons specific to that age range, each also builds on lessons from the previous programmes, so children experience a sense of continuity.

But if you're asking, 'What does PSHE stand for?' then you're likely wondering for it means for students. For students, it offers the following:

  • Safe Space to Develop Knowledge, Skills, and Values
  • Strategies to Support and Manage Emotional and Mental Health
  • Tools to Help Children Prepare for Future Life and Work
  • Enhanced Learning Capacity

    And for schools, statutory PSHE provides a comprehensive and completely original scheme of work. It enables compliance with statutory RSHE. It includes a summative assessment workbook for each puzzle (unit), supporting NCFE Levels 1 and 2 RSHE awards. It enhances the whole-school ethos. And it helps teachers deliver the curriculum with an entire bev v y of invaluable resources, including an entire online community.

    What does PSHE stand for? It stands for a brighter future for all students; a future in which they are better prepared to handle the many obstacles life and work will throw at them.

    Why Should You Adopt a Statutory PSHE Curriculum Devised by Jigsaw PSHE?

    The answer is quite simple – because Jigsaw PSHE  is backed by the vast experience of our founder, Jan Lever. Jan formed The Jan Lever Group, of which Jigsaw PSHE comprises one half, with the view of creating a fully realised and comprehensive scheme of work in support of PSHE. We asked ourselves 'What does PSHE stand for?' and took the time to fully research this vast and complex subject. We also worked closely with teachers and other learning professionals to develop a scheme of work that's entirely unique.

    O ur philosophy backs are programmes that every child should have the opportunity to learn about themselves, others, and the wider world in a safe and inclusive environment. Our programmes are endorsed by the NCFE and are even recognised by Ofsted. And they are in line with the requirements set out by the DfE. If you're looking to fulfil the criteria for the Levels 1 and 2 awards for RSHE, then our PSHE education lessons and resources will set you on the right path.

    Contact Us

    So, what does PSHE stand for ,  and how can it benefit you? Hopefully,  this article will have given you some useful insights. If you would like to enquire further, call Jigsaw PSHE  on 01202 377 193 .

    What Does Pshe Stand for in Education

    Source: https://www.jigsawpshe.com/what-does-pshe-stand-for/

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